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Compton CE Primary School. KS1 and KS2 History.

What our children say...

"I like knowing what it was like when I was a baby and before I was born," "We do outside learning, look at artefacts, read information and learn about events in the past," It's interesting to learn what people in the past did - the Anglo-Saxons changed our language," We learn lots of new vocabulary like reeve, hypercaust, ore and chronological."

Curriculum Intent

At Compton Primary, our intention for the subject of History is to provide all our pupils with a rich and varied curriculum that inspires a love of learning about the past. We aim to develop their understanding of the key events and figures that have shaped the world we live in today, as well as encourage critical thinking skills and empathy towards people from different historical periods and backgrounds. Our ultimate goal is for our pupils to leave primary school with a strong foundation in historical knowledge and skills that will support their future learning and enable them to become informed and engaged citizens.​

As a school we map:

  • Breadth of study- the topics the students will study
  • Threshold concepts- the big ideas in history that students will explore through every topic (investigate and interpret the past, build an overview of world history, understand chronology, and communicate historically)
  • Milestones- the goals that students should reach to show they are meeting the expectations of the curriculum.

Milestones are the goals that students are aiming for, through developing a strong schema based on knowledge, vocabulary and tasks children progress through the milestones.

Within the history curriculum, we use 10 knowledge categories that enable children to identify common themes and make links throughout different periods of history. The knowledge categories are: settlements, beliefs, culture and pastimes, locations, main events, food and farming, travel and exploration, conflict, society, artifacts.


To achieve our intention, we have carefully designed a History curriculum that is broad, balanced, and engaging for all our pupils. We ensure that our teaching is rooted in high-quality historical sources and resources, and that it is delivered through a combination of direct instruction, inquiry-based learning, and hands-on experiences. Our lessons are sequenced logically to build upon prior knowledge and skills, and to ensure that pupils are given opportunities to revisit and deepen their understanding of key concepts and themes.

We also make use of a variety of teaching strategies and approaches to cater to the diverse learning needs and preferences of our pupils. This includes the use of visual aids, storytelling, drama, and role-playing activities. We actively seek out opportunities for cross-curricular links with other subjects, such as English, Art, and Geography, to enhance our pupils' learning experiences and make connections between different areas of knowledge.

In addition, we make use of educational visits, guest speakers, and virtual learning resources to bring History to life for our pupils and to help them make meaningful connections between the past and the present. We also encourage our pupils to engage with History outside of the classroom through projects, reading, and visits to museums and historical sites.

What history looks like in lessons:​

  • Children gain a deeper understanding of history through the use of resources/artefacts to put their learning into context.
  • Knowledge gained about history with connections made between units
  • Retrieval tasks encourage the recall of prior knowledge so that it is available to be built upon.
  • Key vocabulary is identified, discretely taught and clearly explained
  • Dual coding is used alongside key concepts and terms to aid in their understanding
  • Key questions are posed and discussed through a variety of strategies


The impact of our History curriculum at Compton Primary is evident in the knowledge, skills, and attitudes of our pupils. Our pupils leave primary school with a deep understanding of key historical events, figures, and concepts, as well as the ability to analyse and evaluate historical sources and arguments critically. They are able to articulate their ideas clearly and confidently, and to engage in meaningful discussions and debates about the past.

Our pupils also develop a sense of empathy and curiosity towards people from different historical periods and backgrounds, as well as a respect for different perspectives and interpretations of the past. They are able to make connections between the past and the present, and to recognise the relevance of History in shaping their own identities and understanding of the world around them.

Overall, the impact of our History curriculum is that our pupils leave primary school with a lifelong love of learning about the past, and with the knowledge, skills, and attitudes to become informed and engaged citizens who are able to contribute positively to society.

Formative Assessment

  • Pre unit diagnostic assessment
  • Verbal Feedback – the vast majority of feedback is in conversation with the pupil, allowing misconceptions to be spotted and effectively addressed at an early stage.​

Summative Assessment​

  • End of unit assessment - assessed against key stage Milestones.
  • Proof of Progress (POP) tasks against the milestones.
  • Expectations in line with English.
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