How to join our school
We are always very happy for new parents and children to visit the school to talk to the headteacher, staff and children. Please telephone the school office to make an appointment.
Please do look at the rest of our website to get a flavour of the school. It was originally built in 1855, extensively altered in 1999 with the Foundation Stage extended and refurbished during the summer of 2009. A separate Year 6 classroom was added to the school in the Summer of 2018. Most pupils live within easy walking distance of the school although a few do live in adjoining villages and there is transport available from some villages.
Parents are welcomed into the school and are involved in a wide range of activities. The school has strong links with the village and is very much part of the local community. The school is well supported by parents and our active and committed Governing Body.
How to apply for Sept 2025 or In-Year Applications
To apply for a Reception place, follow this link West Berkshire Council - Primary School Places - Information
To apply for an in-year admission, follow this link
For information about school admissions appeals, follow this link West Berkshire Council - Appealing against a School Admission Decision - Information
West Berkshire Admissions Guide
As a local authoity controlled school, admissions to the school should be made via the West Berkshire Council admissions department. The admissions department manage the waiting list for our school or can advise you on current numbers and availability within year groups. Their contact number is: 01635 519771 and their email is: There is also further information on their website including details about how applications are considered, over-subscription criteria and the appeals process. For admissions for children with Education and Health Care Plans, please contact West Berkshire SEN Team for adivice as to how to make a placement request.