SEN and Local Offer
SEND Contacts
Contact our SENDCo: Claire Ward by email or phone 01635 578240
Local Offer
If you have any other SEND queries you can browse the West Berkshire Local Offer site which is full of lots of useful information for parents:
West Berkshire’s Local Offer provides information on local services for children with SEN & D (SEND) and their families.
The Local Offer is for children and young people (from birth to 25 years) with SEN & D and those who support them.
SEND summary
By following a therapeutic thinking approach, we aim to create a positive inclusive learning environment through understanding the background of the child and the impact of any possible trauma. Examples of visible therapeutic thinking approaches include providing limited choices, positive language, educational and protective consequences, restorative conversations and a de-escalation script. To further support mental health, relaxation techniques are regularly practiced throughout the school
At Compton Primary School we are flexible in how we support children with additional needs and follow a graduated approach, adhering to the ‘assess, plan, do, review’ cycle. We work in partnership with parents/ carers, children and external professionals to seek the best way to support the children at Compton Primary School. The following describes the three levels of support:
Universal provision describes inclusive Quality First teaching for all children.
This includes differentiated learning and creates effective inclusive classrooms which cater for the needs of all the children. This is the first step in responding to a child with/ without SEND.
Targeted provision describes additional interventions/ support that is targeted at children who are not making expected progress to help them accelerate their progress. Referrals to external agencies may be made to inform the program of support. Children may be on the SEND register.
Personalised provision is described as specialist provision/ highly personalised interventions to enable children to access the curriculum and to help accelerate them/ meet their potential. This may include 1:1 support or specialist interventions. These children will be on the SEND register and may require an Education Health Care plan.
Our SEND Information Report (a document that includes the SEN policy and our Local Offer) provides information to parents and carers about how the school supports children with Special Educational Needs. This information can be found on the West Berkshire Local Offer website.