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RE at Compton


During their time at Compton, our theologist:

  • Has excellent knowledge of Christianity and world religions to allow them to hold informed and balanced conversations about religions and beliefs. 
  • Learns about religion and learns from religions and worldviews
  • Has an excellent understanding of what it means to belong and believe and is able to ask and answer questions and drawing on personal reflection


'Religious Education should be taught to all pupils in full-time education in schools; except for those withdrawn at the request  of their parents.' (DSCF NSG 2010)

'The syllabus should reflect the fact the religious traditions are in the main Christian, while taking account of the teaching and practices of the other principal religions represented in Great Britain.' (Education Act 1996)

At Compton Church of England Primary School, RE  is taught in accordance with the Pan Berkshire Agreed Syllabus: Belonging, behaving, believing which ensures that we comply with the legal requirements.  We use the Oxford Diocese scheme in the main and supplement this with other resources, and visits to and visitors from local places of worship.

RE is taught on a weekly basis and is sometimes covered through a class or whole school themed day.  Teachers make links with other subject areas where meaningful and appropriate.


In Compton RE lessons you will see children who

  • Are developing their sense of identity and belonging
  • Ask and answer challenging questions
  • Show respect for and understanding of people of different faiths preparing them for life in modern Britain
  • Reflect on issues of truth, belief values and tradition whilst exploring their own beliefs and questions of meaning
  • Enjoy presenting their learning in a variety of ways
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