Healthy Snacks and Water Policy
We are very proud to have been awarded the highest level of the Better Lunchtimes Award which recognises our commitment to promoting healthy eating and active play during the school lunchtime. A copy of our report can be found below.
We are very keen to help pupils adopt a healthy lifestyle and as you are aware, we have received a Healthy Schools Award. We would like to remind you of two important points. Firstly, we have a Healthy Snack Policy and we are very grateful for the support we have had from parents with this. Children in Foundation and in Key Stage 1 classes do not need to bring in snacks for the morning break as fruit or vegetable sticks are provided free of charge. Key Stage 2 pupils can bring in a healthy snack for break. This could be vegetable sticks or dried or fresh fruit.
Please avoid sending in items such as crisps, chocolate biscuits (including Jaffa cakes), fruit winders, sweets and fizzy drinks etc for snacks or in lunchboxes. As a rule of thumb, if you could buy it on the sweet counter then it should not be sent in.
Secondly, we encourage all pupils to bring in a small named bottle of water with a sports lid to avoid spillages. These bottles must only contain water.
Pupils who have a packed lunch may bring with them a squash or fruit drink (not fizzy) to have with their lunch. Throughout the rest of the day, they will need to drink water. We thank you for your support in this – getting into the habit of drinking water (even if they don’t like it!) is vital! Fresh water is available in each classroom.
Children are given free milk until their 5th birthday. Parents are able to order milk for their children using the website below.