Role of the Governing Board
School Governors are people who want to make a positive contribution to children's education. Governors are one of the largest volunteer forces in the country and have an important part to play in raising school standards. The role of the Governing Board is absolutely key to the effectiveness of a school. Time and time again Ofsted (the national inspection body for schools) has noted that the most effective schools demonstrate effective leadership and management - including by the Governing Board.
All schools in England have a Governing Board which is responsible for overseeing many of the strategic decisions of the school. A key role is to act as a 'critical friend': to support, to challenge, to ask questions, ultimately to represent the school community.
The Governing Board works in close partnership with the Executive Headteacher, Director of Primaries, Staff and the Local Authority. Whilst the Director of Primares is, of course, responsible for the day to day running of the school, the Governors are involved with such things as staffing, curriculum, school buildings and finance. It ensures the school functions well and maintains the proper range of academic and social objectives.

Our Governing Board
School Governors provide strategic leadership and accountability. Governors appoint the Headteacher and Assistant Headteachers. It is Governors who hold the main responsibility for finance and it is Governors who work with the Headteacher to make the tough decisions about balancing resources. Each individual Governor is a member of a the Governing Board, which is established in law as a corporate body. Individual Governors may not act independently of the rest of the Governing Board. Decisions are the joint responsibility of the Governing Board. The role of the Governing Board is to ensure high standards of achievement for all children in the school, its key functions are:
- To ensure clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction
- To hold the Headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils
- To oversee the financial performance of the school and make sure its money is well spent
The Executive Headteacher and Director of Primaries are responsible for the internal organisation, management and control of the school and the implementation of the strategic framework established by the Governing Board.
If you would like to use your skills to make a positive impact on the education of our pupils and would like to know more about how you can become a school Governor for the Downland Federation, please contact our Clerk via
On the 4th September 2023 the Downland Federation expanded to include Basildon Primary School. The Governing Board shall consist of:
- The Executive Headteacher
- One elected Staff Governor
- One appointed Local Authority Governor
- Two elected Parent Governors
- Ten Co-opted Governors
- Two Partnership Governors
- Four Foundation Governors
The standard term of office for a governor is four years. The Chair and Vice-Chair are elected annually at the first meeting of the academic year. The Chair of Governors is Andy Tow, who can be contacted via The work of the Governing Board is carried out at full board level with two focus based (Primary Advisiory Board and The Downs School Advisory Board) meetings per term. There are seperate committees dealing with Finance and Staff, Pay and Conditions.