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Our Staff

"Pupils’ behaviour is exceptional because high quality teaching keeps them focused on learning, and all staff consistently apply the clear policy for rewards and sanctions. Pupils enjoy coming to school and attend well." Ofsted

We are very proud of our staff here at Compton School. Together, we uphold our values; Respect, Kindess and Courage. 

Should you wish to contact our staff, please email office@compton.w-berks.sch.uk or call 01635 578 240

If you would like to join our staff, please view our job vacancies page for the latest vacancies.

Teaching Staff

Executive Headteacher, The Downland Federation at The Downs School & Sixth Form

Director of Primaries

Mr C. Prosser

Miss M.Cliffe

Head of School Mrs H Appleton


Elm Class (Foundation Year) Mrs S. Tillett
Oak Class (Yr 1) Mrs B Brown / Miss S Otty
Hazel Class (Yr 2)
Mrs A Brock /Mrs Hoffland (Fri)  
Sycamore Class (Yr 3) Mrs C. Petit
Maple Class (Yr 4) Mrs Appleton / Ms Broadbridge
Willow Class (Yr 5)

Mrs V Upston

Beech Class (Yr 6) Mr A. Byrne
Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCo) Mrs C Ward

Support Staff

Classroom Support Assistants

Mrs K. Hoffland, Miss R. Lee,  Ms S. Otty,  Ms I. Koziolek, Miss L. Ede, Miss J. Merry,  Mr G. Sparkes, Mrs E. Wilkinson, Mrs J. Haslam and Mrs S Cramp

School Administration Manager Mrs T. Sparkes
Administration Assistant Mrs  V. Cooper (part time)
Caretaker Mr A.  Willoughby


Mr A. Willoughby and Mrs S. Willoughby
Lunchtime Supervisors Mrs S. Willoughby, Mr A. Willoughby, Mrs V Cooper and classroom support assistants as above.
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