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Pupil Leadership

School Council

Being a School Councillor is a very important role to uphold as you are responsible for representing the views of your class. Each year, children can put themselves forward for the role of School Councillor by preparing a speech to explain why they would be the best person for the job. Two School Councillors are then elected by their class and they are rewarded with a shiny new badge in assembly! The two School Captains are also  part of the School Council team, providing us with an even greater level of support and ideas!

The School Council meets weekly to share ideas and suggest possible improvements to the school. Fundraising for charities is one of the most important roles that the School Council takes on. This includes raising money for both local and national charities. 

School Captain

This highly prestigious position is sort after by many in year six.  To be selected they must have shown themselves to be excellent role models at all times.  In addition, they write a letter of application, explaining why they would like to be considered and what they would bring to the role.  Their tasks include showing visitors around the school, organising collective worship and helping staff.  In addition, they run one weekly collective worship either by leading it themselves or by organising a rota of team captains and other year six pupils who will lead collective worship.   They have to ensure the other children know exactly what they are doing and have a hymn and prayer organised.  Not only that, but they have a seat on the Worship Committee, who run our Church Services.

Worship Committee

The Worship Committee help to plan and lead the different church services throughout the year. Meeting with our vicar or another member of our church community, the Worship Committee discuss and explore the theme of the service beforehand, and suggest ideas. They select and read bible readings, write prayers and read aloud in church. They are an active group of leaders who take pride in our Christian values.

Team Captains

Children in year six prepare a speech to explain why they would make a good team captain, in preparation for termly elections.  Team Captains join a collective worship rota, so they take at least one assembly during the term (some opt to do an additional one) which is linked to our Christian Values.  They receive cups for team points and sporting events and are given the option to organise inter-house competitions.

Our school captains at work

Our School Captains enjoyed working at the Trussel Trust Foodbank warehouse with their peers at our federated primary school, Beedon.

foodbank 3
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